Residency By Investment- Finland
There are several options of immigration or getting a residence permit in Finland. We are glad to help You make the optimal, efficient and economic choice.
In order to get your first Residence Permit in Finland we will help you:
Register or buy remotely a company or a private legal entity in Finland, Arrange all required documents (according to your business plan and groundwork) and supervise the application of the documents to get the Residence Permits, Supervise all the process until getting the Residence Permits
In order to prolong and upgrade your Residence permit up to Permanent residence or the Citizenship
You have to generate enough income on the company’s account to pay your wage and taxes, operational costs of the company. We consult you of all included legal, tax and accounting aspects, supporting you all the way in every step.
The monthly income :
Kindly see below the personal income sums that your Finish company should bring to you to support +3 family members. This amount of salary, including the taxes should be payed to you every month to cover family expenses. If you go on your own at the beginning - please check the income for one person:
For a Company Founder, one private person without a family - the net salary should be 1300€ and approximately 300€ (at least) to pay the taxes (that makes 1600€ in total)
For a family of 4 the net salary shall be 2600€, and approximately 900€ more (at least) to pay the taxes (that makes 3500€ in total)
If needed spouse/partner will have the right to join the adaptation program and will be receiving a monthly grant of EUR 630.
Additional monthly EUR 200 bonus may be granted in case of learning the language.
Every 1st child under 18 can receive EUR 94 per month, 2nd - EUR 105, 3rd - EUR 135, 4rd - EUR 154, 5th - EUR 174. After 17 years old the benefit is EUR 500.
* if the family is living permanently in country
In order to proceed and give you the best offer - we need to get some details on your current status, professional and business plans of your final goals in Finland.
We will help you make the right plan, please answer the questions.
- *Do you have a plan to move to Finland? If so, would it be decisively or for uncertain & limited period of time?
- *How many months would you be available to stay in Finland/Europe?
- *Could you please specify your own business and working experience?
- *What education/specific education (if there is any) do you have?
- *Would you have any passive income in your country?
- *What is the average monthly income do you normally have?
- *Do you have any partners, relatives or friends in Finland?
- *Specify your family members? How old are parents and kids?
- *What is your nationality? Current place of residency?
- *What is your initial plan towards to Finland? Business, investment in real estate?
- *Have you ever been in EU or hold a Schengen visa?
If you would like to get more details about business immigration procedure and discuss your potential plan, we can provide you our service of personal consultation.